Stress Hormone Hangover Leaves Door Open for Mental Mayhem

I recently presented at a workshop which went well. At least, I am pretty sure it went well. I received positive feedback from people who attended. I was excited to be there. The majority of my work is done in my small home office with my cute little rescue dog for company; so, it was […]

Take a Break

Mid-Week break time. I added a short recording to the website. It’s a two-minute and 18-second recording meant to help you take a small relaxation break today. Ironically, it has taken me at least an hour to get it into the right format for the website and then upload it. Hopefully it will play… if […]

Attitude of Gratitude

Maybe you’ve heard this, maybe you haven’t… Gratitude can shift your whole day. The research on gratitude has been rolling into the mainstream for years. A quick search on your favorite search engine for “gratitude research” will yield numerous articles about the benefits of being grateful. If you don’t have time to read all those […]

Coffee Break…

Mid-Week Food for Thought & Inspiration Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing. – Harriet Braiker Top 15 Things Money Can’t Buy: Time. Happiness. Inner Peace. Integrity. Love. Character. Manners. Health. Respect. Morals. Trust. Patience. Class. Common sense. Dignity. ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart There is a special […]

Radical Self-Care

Radical Self-Care… …feels mischievously rebellious  …releases negativity  …invigorates the body  …cleanses the the spirit  …soothes the soul …heals the heart …expands the mind …focuses attention  …frees creativity  …engages energy  …calls forth compassion  …manifests love …inspires others. ~annie ricci~

It’s Not Easy

But it’s worth it. If you wonder what I am talking about, I am talking about anything that awakens your self-doubt is worth doing. Anything that strikes fear into your whole being is not easy but it is worth doing or saying. Anything that looks easy to everyone else but feels dang hard to you […]

Choose the Fun One

I took my kiddo to a climbing gym last week. He’d never been before and yet he was fearless when it came to climbing up the wall. On one particular route, he looked over at me and said, “Mom, I can’t do this.” So, I went over to him and pointed out lots of different […]

Making a List, Checking it Twice (or more)

Wow! Can you believe we are coming into the final weekend before Christmas and the last week of 2018 is almost here, too??? If you are anything like me you are wondering where the heck this year went. I want to congratulate you if you have all your gift shopping and holiday prep neatly wrapped […]

Time Flies & Meditation Apps

Four -almost five- months flew right past. The blog series on meditation dropped so far down the to-do list that I contemplated deleting the entire blog and slinking away with my blogging tail between my legs. My inner critic ran frantic circles in my head telling me how inept I was and that surely anyone […]

Loving Kindness Meditation

Sooooo, you’ve tried meditating but your brain wants to keep churning out thoughts right and left. You think you are doing it wrong because you struggle to recognize when that’s happening. Once you realize it, you tend to give up and move on with your day. No worries. Busy minds do not have to be […]