why annie ricci coaching
Your top performers and untapped talent need coaching
See why leadership and development coaching is the solution to modern corporate problems.
See why leadership and development coaching is the solution to modern corporate problems.
Collectively, the Annie Ricci Coach team has coached over 800 associates at all levels of organizations since 2015. The associates who have participated in a coaching program and responded to one of our surveys reported that:
Your employees are more likely to burn out, as they struggle to juggle responsibilities at home with work. They need extra support to maintain balance and thrive at work
If you don’t make developing and promoting rising leaders and untapped employees a priority, you run the risk of losing them. Promoting from within reduces overall costs.
New leaders often face imposter syndrome and untapped talent is much less likely to apply for a promotion or confidently contribute to meetings
If your employees don’t feel engaged or supported at work, their work quality and productivity are more likely to suffer as a result
Our development and leadership coaches help develop happier, more motivated employees who contribute more at work and help strengthen your team’s effectiveness
By boosting engagement and developing staff, we help you create a talent pool of future leaders from within your own business and keep associates in your company for longer
With decreased staff turnover and increased team effectiveness, our development and leadership coaching helps associates drive more profit for your organization
Employees who have gone through coaching gain confidence and tend to have better relationships with their supervisors and team members
We help associates harness their superpowers, reduce self-doubt, and carve out career development goals, all leading to higher levels of productivity at work
See how Annie Ricci leadership coaches have maximized the professional and personal potential of almost 2000 associates all over the world.
Founder of Balganize Coaching
VP, Product Management – Videojet
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